Well, it's almost the witching hour.  Hard to belive I came-up with this whole idea this afternoon.  Then I called my Dr. and BAM!  Thay can fit me in for a complete physical tomorrow morning at 9:30.  I really wasn't going to incorporate blood work into the things I monitored, but since I haven't had a physical in 3 years I figured it's about time and seeing the results at the end of this will be enlightening.
I made my first vegan run to the grocery...Trader Joe's.  Spent $54.00.  It's enough to get me started until I can coordinate recipes with a shopping list.  Among other things, I bought:  extra firm tofu (they say it's really creamy-whavever), coconut water, produce to maked roasted vegetable whole-wheat pitas, grapes (to freeze as a sweet snack).  Earlier this week I bought the official Forks Over Knives Cookbook to supplement the how-to companion book on the whole matter.  I've got my eye on a few recipes but the first thing I want options for is SNACKS!!!  I'm a muncher so I gotta have variety and I gotta have it often.  Two disappointments with my first grocery experience:  1) the number of things you pick-up, read the label on, and put down is frustrating.  Just when you think you can buy that fat free, gluten free, sugar free, all natural, juice-sweetened cherry jam you see that second-to-last ingredient is fruit pectin.  "Hummm.  Fruit pectin.  Is that a form of sugar?  Pectin...sounds like a sugary word.  I better put it back.  Don't want to chance it."  and 2) the grocery trip learning-curve for this way of eating makes for a long shopping experience.  Brody drank 11 samples of lemonade while I investigated stuff in only two of the aisles.  And, to top it all of, I already have to take something back.  I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET!!  Ak-mak whole wheat organically grown crackers contain dairy butter---a major no no.  Oh well.  It could be worse.  I could be doing a diet that got rid of startch.

Well, here it is.  The "before" picture.  I'm not overly proud of my body, and I'm not embarrased about it eather, so there you go.  I shrunk the picture a bit in hopes that would help make me look smaller.  Brody (my 6 year old) was the stellar photographer who told me to say "cheese."  He actually turned on some back-ground music for the photo-op.  What's that all about? 

He and I had our "last supper."  Bruchetta and a fab pizza at a new place within walking distance of our home.  I told him about my food changes, to which he said nothing.  I've decided not to put him on the diet.  I'll expect him to try everything, but I'll still make regular things that he can enjoy while I conduct recon on healthier eating.  When John & I talked about trying the diet (which he will NOT be doing with me) our first question was, "But what about the kids?"  Perhaps we should just assume that if we eat this stuff, so should they...we are big believers in preparing only one meal that all either eat or don't eat...but if there's a significant possibility that what you're going to prepare will taste like ass, should they really have to suffer with you?


4/26/2013 12:17:56 am

Trace! I love it. Hoping this diet makes you feel healthy and happy! Best of luck.

P.S. What are you snacking on right now???

4/26/2013 03:00:52 am

It ain't pretty right now...ain't pretty. It's 1 pm. Tired. Had celery sticks dipped in peanut butter w/ raisens for breakfast after Dr. appt. Just spent another $90+ so I could cook some food. And, as you know...us Thomas girls don't fare well with little food in our systems. But...I'm gonna eat now (Amy's Butternut Squash soup w/ rice blent) and then the world will seem right again ;) Thanks for reading.


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    Hi!  My name is Tracy Thomas and I'm a 38 year old woman living in the wonderful city of Louisville, Kentucky.  I'm a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, an employee and a volunteer.  Curiosity is at my core which lead me to the Forks Over Knives documentary and this crazy experiment of mine.


    May 2013
    April 2013