I've been up late the last few nights doing this blog.  No surprise when I had a very hard time getting out of bed today.  My son, Brody, climed into my bed and sweetly told me it was time to get up.  After explaining that I have been "working on that computer project late for the last few nights," he suggested I work on the project during the morning and afternoon so that I can get good sleep at night.  "I want you to get enough sleep, Mom."  Ahhhhh, children.  There is no way to explain how gushy they make you feel inside; especially when you least expect it.  And, I'm gong to take his advice.

First things first.  My weight.  The above pic is how much I weighed in the am yesterday morning.  As I crawled out of bed today feeling run-down and hoping I wasn't getting a cold, I couldn't help but feel lighter.  Like, thinner.  I pulled out my scale (something I didn't think I would do very often during this experiment) and...holy crap!

This is what I weighed today.  Can you believe it?  I know that weight on anybody can fluctuate a bit.  On me, maybe a pound or two a day.  But 3.5 lbs is a LOT for me.  Actually, it makes me a bit uncomfortable to see such a change in one day.  Not that things will continue this drastically, but if I were to consistently lose weight at this rate, I would be -27.5 lbs by the time this was all over!!  Now THAT would make for an interesting blog.

Today, in addition to cooking my first hot meal on this diet, I made sure to up my fat intake.  Avocado and dry roasted almonds were eaten at-will.  I don't want to gain the weight back, but I really didn't like how I felt as the day progressed and loosing a lot a weight really fast isn't good for anyone.  I was lethargic (which I expected) and I was also anxious, jumpy and a little-bit "poopy boots" as my friend Murph used to call it in college.  Translation = depressed.  Now, if you happen to know me or my sister well at all, you also may know that we are very sensitive to our food intake.  Being hungry or malnurished really alters our mood.  For me, this is so apparent that when I feel off-kilter, the first thing I do is feed myself...and it makes me feel better EVERY TIME.  Today, though, I really didn't have anything that could fill my gut.  I ate a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast--loaded with fresh fruit, flax seed, chia seeds and walnuts---but was hungry in 2 hours.  I snacked from that point until I had a chance to make my first Forks Over Knives recipe...Southwestern Mac and "Cheese."  I felt better after I ate that, but it was 4pm by then.

So here is the Southwestern Mac and "Cheese" that I made.  It's basically a cassarole of vegetables and whole wheat elbow macaroni mixed with a "No-cheese" sauce made with (surprise) vegetables.  Oh, there's also a whole cup of that Nutritional Yeast in it too.  Taste?  I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10.  It had enough flavor, was surprisingly creamy, and definitely filled the gut, but I wasn't doin back-flips over it.

Brody definitely didn't like the cassarole.  This was best illustrated by the two self-imposed pukes he had when I insisted he eat his two bites of the mac and cheese before getting seconds with the rest of his dinner.  You know the kind of puke I'm talking about...he puts some in his mouth, does a few deep cough-chokes which then triggor his belly to bring it back up.  When it's only saliva and your two vegan bites that are landing on your kitchen floor, you know it's not an upset tummy; it's retaliation.  He's done this a few times before so, unfortunately, I can sometimes predict this.  I was furious (inside).  Not only was my day pretty s****y, now my kid is revolting against dinner in the form of tears and vomit.  And it wasn't just any dinner...this was my first attempt at a home-cooked, nuttin-but-healthy, "this could be our new lifestyle" kind-of dinner and I got an intense veto.  Nothing to do about it but laugh, put Brody to bed early, pop open a bottle of wine, and let Calgon take me away.  I don't give a rats ass whether liquor is on the diet or not.

4/27/2013 11:11:11 pm

Well...at least alcohol is still on the diet. That oughta help get you through this! Hang in there. I bet the first week or so will be the toughest. Love you!


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    Hi!  My name is Tracy Thomas and I'm a 38 year old woman living in the wonderful city of Louisville, Kentucky.  I'm a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, an employee and a volunteer.  Curiosity is at my core which lead me to the Forks Over Knives documentary and this crazy experiment of mine.


    May 2013
    April 2013